ReadMe.en-US.txt 1.5 KB

  1. GetEventLog - the utility for work with the Product Security Log.
  2. Short description:
  3. the utility creates the Product Security Log and also
  4. can clean the log after the file creation and export the copy of the Shadow copying storage.
  5. The result of the utility execution is brought to the console.
  6. Note:
  7. To create the Product Security Log the user must have the privilege of log view.
  8. To clean the log after the Product Security Log creation the user must have the privilege
  9. of the security system log management.
  10. The user must have rights to record data on a disk where he is going to create log file.
  11. Startup parameters of the GetEventLog utility:
  12. GetEventLog [command] -n <log name - full path, where the file will be saved>
  13. Commands:
  14. -c "Clean the log and storage after the export of the Product Security Log and the copy of the Shadow copying subsystem storage."
  15. -s "Export the copy of the Shadow copying subsystem storage."
  16. -n "Create the Security Log."
  17. -? "Help on utility call"
  18. Examples of the utility start:
  19. GetEventLog [-c | -s] -n <path\filename>.evtx
  20. - Creation of the Product Security Log:
  21. GetEventLog -n c:\EvtLog\PrEventLog.evt
  22. - Creation of the Product Security Log and export of the copy of the Shadow copying subsystem storage:
  23. GetEventLog -s -n c:\EvtLog\PrEventLog.evt
  24. - During export of the Product Security Log and of the copy of the Shadow copying subsystem storage clean the log and storage:
  25. GetEventLog -c -n c:\EvtLog\PrEventLog.evt