stonevpn.conf 4.8 KB

  1. [stonevpn conf]
  2. # CA certificate file
  3. cacertfile = '/openvpn-pki/open/easy-rsa/keys/ca.crt'
  4. # CA private key file (make sure running user has read rights!)
  5. cakeyfile = '/openvpn-pki/open/easy-rsa/keys/ca.key'
  6. # This is needed to search for free IP-addresses
  7. openvpnconf = '/openvpn/openvpn/server.conf'
  8. # Search for free IP-adresses by parsing the files in this dir
  9. ccddir = '/openvpn/openvpn/ccd'
  10. # Temporary working dir (will be created if it doesn't exist)
  11. working = '/openvpn-pki/open/easy-rsa/client_keys'
  12. # OpenSSL configuration file
  13. opensslconf = '/openvpn-pki/open/easy-rsa/openssl.cnf.stonevpn'
  14. # push router ip (Only used with '--free-ip' parameter)
  15. pushrouter = ''
  16. # Certificate Revocation List (CRL) file
  17. crlfile = '/openvpn-pki/open/easy-rsa/keys/stonevpn.crl'
  18. # if using password, which cipher method to use (openssl --help)
  19. cipher = 'des3'
  20. # prefix all files with:
  21. prefix = 'sds-'
  22. # For emailing generated files, specify SMTP server
  23. mail_server = ''
  24. # Send CC to (leave blank (mail_cc = '') for none)
  25. mail_cc = ''
  26. # Email 'From' address
  27. mail_from = ''
  28. # Mail body (HTML formatted), don't change keyword EMAILRECIPIENT
  29. mail_msg = "Hi EMAILRECIPIENT,<br><br>Attached with this e-mail are the generated configuration file and certificates for use with your VPN connection. PASSPHRASETXT If you have any questions, please contact <a>support</a><br><br>Kind regards,<br><br>The Support department."
  30. # Text to include when specifying a passhprase. This will be inserted
  31. # in 'mail_msg' on placeholder PASSPRASETXT. If you don't use it, PASSPHRASETXT
  32. # will be blanked out. Also, don't change keyword OPENSSLPASS as this will be
  33. # replaced by the actual passphrase.
  34. mail_passtxt = '<br>For security purposes, your key is encrypted with this password:<p><b>OPENSSLPASS</b></p>You will be prompted for this password when establishing a connection.'
  35. [windows conf]
  36. # add options to be added to the configuration file here
  37. # it doesn't really matter what the variable's name is :)
  38. dev = 'dev tun'
  39. ip = 'remote'
  40. ip2 = 'remote'
  41. # uncomment the next 3 lines to add redundant routers:
  42. # remote-random
  43. resretry = 'resolv-retry 60'
  44. # ip2 = 'remote'
  45. port = 'port 1194'
  46. nobind = 'nobind'
  47. mssfix = 'mssfix 1300'
  48. client = 'client'
  49. tls = 'tls-client'
  50. # actually for the next 3 vars, the name _does_ matter since
  51. # we'll do some string replace stuff (to get the right filename)
  52. ca = 'ca cacertfile'
  53. cert = 'cert clientcertfile'
  54. key = 'key clientkeyfile'
  55. tlsauth = 'tls-auth ta.key 1'
  56. lzo = 'comp-lzo'
  57. ping = 'ping 10'
  58. pingrestart = 'ping-restart 30'
  59. pingtimer = 'ping-timer-rem'
  60. #persisttun = 'persist-tun'
  61. persistkey = 'persist-key'
  62. verb = 'verb 3'
  63. prot = 'proto udp'
  64. float = 'float'
  65. [unix conf]
  66. # add options to be added to the configuration file here
  67. # it doesn't really matter what the variable's name is :)
  68. dev = 'dev tun'
  69. ip = 'remote'
  70. ip2 = 'remote'
  71. # uncomment the next 3 lines to add redundant routers:
  72. # remote-random
  73. resretry = 'resolv-retry 60'
  74. # ip2 = 'remote'
  75. port = 'port 1194'
  76. nobind = 'nobind'
  77. mssfix = 'mssfix 1300'
  78. client = 'client'
  79. tls = 'tls-client'
  80. # actually for the next 3 vars, the name _does_ matter since
  81. # we'll do some string replace stuff (to get the right filename)
  82. ca = 'ca cacertfile'
  83. cert = 'cert clientcertfile'
  84. key = 'key clientkeyfile'
  85. tlsauth = 'tls-auth ta.key 1'
  86. lzo = 'comp-lzo'
  87. ping = 'ping 10'
  88. pingrestart = 'ping-restart 30'
  89. pingtimer = 'ping-timer-rem'
  90. #persisttun = 'persist-tun'
  91. persistkey = 'persist-key'
  92. verb = 'verb 3'
  93. prot = 'proto udp'
  94. float = 'float'
  95. [mac conf]
  96. # add options to be added to the configuration file here
  97. daemon = 'daemon'
  98. dev = 'dev tap'
  99. ip = 'remote'
  100. # uncomment the next 3 lines to add redundant routers:
  101. # remote-random
  102. # resolv-retry 60
  103. # ip2 = 'remote'
  104. port = 'port 1194'
  105. mssfix = 'mssfix 1300'
  106. client = 'client'
  107. tlc = 'tls-client'
  108. # don't touch the next 3 var names:
  109. ca = 'ca /Library/openvpn/cacertfile'
  110. cert = 'cert /Library/openvpn/clientcertfile'
  111. key = 'key /Library/openvpn/clientkeyfile'
  112. tlsauth = 'tls-auth /Library/openvpn/ta.key 1'
  113. lzo = 'comp-lzo'
  114. ping = 'ping 10'
  115. pingrestart = 'ping-restart 30'
  116. pingtimer = 'ping-timer-rem'
  117. #persisttun = 'persist-tun'
  118. persistkey = 'persist-key'
  119. verb = 'verb 3'
  120. prot = 'proto udp'
  121. [android conf]
  122. # add options to be added to the configuration file here
  123. daemon = 'daemon'
  124. dev = 'dev tun'
  125. ip = 'remote'
  126. # uncomment the next 3 lines to add redundant routers:
  127. # remote-random
  128. # resolv-retry 60
  129. # ip2 = 'remote'
  130. port = 'port 1194'
  131. #mssfix = 'mssfix 1300'
  132. client = 'client'
  133. tlc = 'tls-client'
  134. lzo = 'comp-lzo'
  135. ping = 'ping 15'
  136. pingrestart = 'ping-restart 45'
  137. pingtimer = 'ping-timer-rem'
  138. #persisttun = 'persist-tun'
  139. persistkey = 'persist-key'
  140. verb = 'verb 3'
  141. prot = 'proto tcp'