""" StoneVPN - Easy OpenVPN certificate and configuration management (C) 2009-2012 by L.S. Keijser, This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. """ import commands import cStringIO import fileinput import getpass import glob import operator import os import random import re import shutil import smtplib import string import sys import time import zipfile from OpenSSL import SSL, crypto from optparse import OptionParser, OptionGroup from configobj import ConfigObj from time import strftime from datetime import date, datetime, timedelta from IPy import IP from string import atoi from datetime import datetime from email.MIMEMultipart import MIMEMultipart from email.MIMEBase import MIMEBase from email.MIMEText import MIMEText from email.Utils import formatdate from email import Encoders from socket import gethostname from StoneVPN import STONEVPN_VERSION def main(): stonevpnconf = '/etc/stonevpn.conf' stonevpnver = STONEVPN_VERSION # Read main configuration from stonevpn.conf if os.path.exists(stonevpnconf): config = ConfigObj(stonevpnconf) sectionname = 'stonevpn conf' section=config[sectionname] crlfile = section['crlfile'] prefix = section['prefix'] pushrouter = section['pushrouter'] cacertfile = section['cacertfile'] cakeyfile = section['cakeyfile'] openvpnconf = section['openvpnconf'] ccddir = section['ccddir'] working = section['working'] opensslconf = section['opensslconf'] ciphermethod = section['cipher'] mail_server = section['mail_server'] mail_cc = section['mail_cc'] mail_msg = section['mail_msg'] mail_from = section['mail_from'] try: mail_passtxt = section['mail_passtxt'] except: print "Missing variable 'mail_passtxt' in %s! Please update your configuration.\nHint: look at the example configuration file." % stonevpnconf sys.exit() else: print "File " + stonevpnconf + " does not exist!" sys.exit() # retrieve default expiration date from openssl.cnf, needed for optionparse if os.path.exists(opensslconf): config = ConfigObj(opensslconf) sectionname = 'CA_default' section=config[sectionname] defaultDays = section['default_days'] else: print "Error: OpenSSL configuration file not found at %s" % opensslconf sys.exit() # define some crypto stuff TYPE_RSA = crypto.TYPE_RSA TYPE_DSA = crypto.TYPE_DSA FILETYPE = crypto.FILETYPE_PEM # command line options parser = OptionParser(usage="%prog -f -n [ OPTIONS ]",version="%prog " + stonevpnver) # define groups group_crl = OptionGroup(parser, "Certificate revocation options") group_general = OptionGroup(parser, "General options", "All general options are mandatory") group_extra = OptionGroup(parser, "Extra options", "To be used in conjunction with the general options.") group_info = OptionGroup(parser, "Information/printing options") group_ca = OptionGroup(parser, "CA certificate options") group_test = OptionGroup(parser, "Test/experimental options", "Caution: use these options with care.") # define special case for action with optional argument def optional_arg(arg_default): def check_value(option,opt_str,value,parser): # check for remaining args. these shouldn't start with a '-' if parser.rargs and not parser.rargs[0].startswith('-'): val=parser.rargs[0] parser.rargs.pop(0) else: # return the default value for the argument val=arg_default # remove the argument from the list and return the remaining args back to parser setattr(parser.values,option.dest,val) return check_value # populate groups parser.add_option("-D", "--debug", action="count", dest="debug", help="enable debugging output") group_general.add_option("-n", "--name", action="store", type="string", dest="cname", help="Common Name, use quotes eg.: \"CNAME\" and only alphanumeric characters") group_general.add_option("-f", "--file", dest="fname", help="write to file FNAME (no extension!)") group_general.add_option("-o", "--config", action="store", dest="confs", default="windows", help="create config files for [windows|unix|mac|android|all]") group_extra.add_option("-e", "--prefix", action="store", dest="fprefix", default=prefix, help="prefix (almost all) generated files. Default = " + str(prefix)) group_extra.add_option("-z", "--zip", action="store_true", dest="zip", help="add all generated files to a ZIP-file") group_extra.add_option("-m", "--mail", action="store", type="string", dest="emailaddress", help="send all generated files to EMAILADDRESS") group_extra.add_option("-i", "--free-ip", action="store_true", dest="freeip", help="locate and assign free ip") group_extra.add_option("-E", "--extrafile", action="append", dest="extrafile", help="include extra file(s) like documentation. Can be used multiple times") group_extra.add_option("-p", "--passphrase", action="callback", callback=optional_arg('please_prompt_me'), dest="passphrase", help="prompt for a passphrase when generating private key, or supply one on the commandline") group_extra.add_option("-M", "--mailpass", action="store_true", dest="mailpass", help="include passphrase in e-mail body (only useful with the '-m' option)") group_extra.add_option("-R", "--randpass", action="store", type="string", dest="randpass", help="generate a random password of RANDPASS characters (eg.: -R 8)") group_extra.add_option("-S", "--serverip", action="store", type="string", dest="server_ip", help="use this IP address for the server when generating the configuration file, overriding the one specified in stonevpn.conf") group_crl.add_option("-r", "--revoke", action="store", dest="serial", help="revoke certificate with serial SERIAL") group_extra.add_option("-u", "--route", action="append", dest="route", help="push extra route(s) to client. Specify multiple routes as: -u -u") group_crl.add_option("-l", "--listrevoked", action="store_true", dest="listrevoked", help="list revoked certificates") group_crl.add_option("-C", "--crl", action="store_true", dest="displaycrl", help="display CRL file contents") group_info.add_option("-a", "--listall", action="store_true", dest="listall", help="list all certificates") group_info.add_option("--listcsv", action="store_true", dest="listallcsv", help="list all certificates (output as CSV)") group_info.add_option("-s", "--showserial", action="store_true", dest="showserial", help="display current SSL serial number") group_info.add_option("-c", "--printcert", action="store", dest="printcert", help="prints information about a certficiate file") group_info.add_option("-d", "--printindex", action="store_true", dest="printindex", help="prints index file") group_extra.add_option("-x", "--expire", action="store", dest="expiredate", help="certificate expires in EXPIREDATE h(ours), d(ays) or y(ears). The default is " + str(defaultDays) + " days. Example usage: -x 2h") group_crl.add_option("-N", "--newcrl", action="store_true", dest="emptycrl", help="create an empty CRL file (or overwrite an existing one)") group_ca.add_option("-A", "--newca", action="store", dest="newca", help="create a new self-signed CA certificate that's valid for NEWCA years") group_test.add_option("-t", "--test", action="store_true", dest="test", help="Danger, Will Robinson, Danger! test parameter - can do anything! Review source before executing!") # add optiongroups parser.add_option_group(group_general) parser.add_option_group(group_extra) parser.add_option_group(group_info) parser.add_option_group(group_crl) parser.add_option_group(group_ca) parser.add_option_group(group_test) # parse cmd line options (options, args) = parser.parse_args() s = StoneVPN() # values we got from optparse: s.debug = options.debug s.cname = options.cname s.fname = options.fname s.confs = options.confs s.fprefix = options.fprefix s.zip = options.zip s.emailaddress = options.emailaddress s.freeip = options.freeip s.passphrase = options.passphrase s.mailpass = options.mailpass s.randpass = options.randpass s.extrafile = options.extrafile s.server_ip = options.server_ip s.serial = options.serial s.route = options.route s.listrevoked = options.listrevoked s.displaycrl = options.displaycrl s.listall = options.listall s.listallcsv = options.listallcsv s.showserial = options.showserial s.printcert = options.printcert s.printindex = options.printindex s.expiredate = options.expiredate s.emptycrl = options.emptycrl s.newca = options.newca s.test = options.test # values we got from parsing the configuration file: s.cacertfile = cacertfile s.cakeyfile = cakeyfile s.openvpnconf = openvpnconf s.ccddir = ccddir s.working = working s.opensslconf = opensslconf s.pushrouter = pushrouter s.ciphermethod = ciphermethod s.prefix = prefix s.crlfile = crlfile s.mail_server = mail_server s.mail_cc = mail_cc s.mail_msg = mail_msg s.mail_from = mail_from s.mail_passtxt = mail_passtxt s.stonevpnconf = stonevpnconf # and all other variables s.TYPE_RSA = TYPE_RSA s.TYPE_DSA = TYPE_DSA s.FILETYPE = FILETYPE s.stonevpnver = stonevpnver # check for all args if len(sys.argv[1:]) == 0: parser.print_help() # check for valid args if options.fname is None and options.serial is not None and options.listrevoked is not None and options.listall is not None and options.listallcsv is not None and options.showserial is not None and options.printcert is not None and options.printindex is not None and options.emptycrl is not None and options.test is not None and options.newca is not None: parser.error("Error: you have to specify a filename (FNAME)") else: # must..have..root.. myId = commands.getstatusoutput('id -u')[1] if not myId == '0': print "Sorry, root privileges required for this action." sys.exit(0) else: s.run() class StoneVPN: def __init__(self): """ Constructor. Arguments will be filled in by optparse.. """ self.cname = None self.fname = None self.confs = None self.fprefix = None self.zip = None self.emailaddress = None self.freeip = None self.passphrase = None self.mailpass = None self.randpass = None self.extrafile = None self.server_ip = None self.serial = None self.route = None self.listrevoked = None self.displaycrl = None self.listall = None self.listallcsv = None self.showserial = None self.printcert = None self.printindex = None self.expiredate = None self.emptycrl = None self.newca = None self.test = None # Read certain vars from OpenSSL config file def readOpenSSLConf(self): if self.debug: print "DEBUG: parsing OpenSSL configuration file %s" % self.opensslconf config = ConfigObj(self.opensslconf) sectionname = 'req_distinguished_name' section=config[sectionname] # make these variables also global global countryName, stateOrProvinceName, localityName, organizationName, organizationalUnitName, defaultDays, prefixdir, indexdb, serialfile, default_bits, default_md # Check if certain sections in OpenSSL configfile are present, report if they're not try: countryName = section['countryName_default'] if len(countryName) is 0: print "Error: countryName_default is empty. Please edit %s first." % self.opensslconf sys.exit() except KeyError: print "Error: missing section 'countryName_default' in " + self.opensslconf sys.exit() try: stateOrProvinceName = section['stateOrProvinceName_default'] if len(stateOrProvinceName) is 0: print "Error: stateOrProvinceName_default is empty. Please edit %s first." % self.opensslconf sys.exit() except KeyError: print "Error: missing section 'stateOrProvinceName_default' in " + self.opensslconf sys.exit() try: localityName = section['localityName_default'] if len(localityName) is 0: print "Error: localityName_default is empty. Please edit %s first." % self.opensslconf sys.exit() except KeyError: print "Error: missing section 'localityName_default' in " + self.opensslconf sys.exit() try: organizationName = section['0.organizationName_default'] if len(organizationName) is 0: print "Error: 0.organizationName_default is empty. Please edit %s first." % self.opensslconf sys.exit() except KeyError: print "Error: missing section '0.organizationName_default' in " + self.opensslconf sys.exit() try: organizationalUnitName = section['organizationalUnitName_default'] if len(organizationalUnitName) is 0: print "Error: organizationalUnitName_default is empty. Please edit %s first." % self.opensslconf sys.exit() except KeyError: print "Error: missing section 'organizationalUnitName_default' in " + self.opensslconf sys.exit() sectionname = 'CA_default' section=config[sectionname] defaultDays = section['default_days'] prefixdir = section['dir'] indexdb = section['database'].replace('$dir', prefixdir) serialfile = section['serial'].replace('$dir', prefixdir) sectionname = 'req' section=config[sectionname] default_bits = section['default_bits'] try: default_md = section['default_md'] except KeyError: print "Warning: your OpenSSL configuration file misses key 'default_md'. Please add it. For now we'll assume SHA1'" default_md = 'sha1' def run(self): """ StoneVPN's main function """ if os.path.exists(self.opensslconf): self.readOpenSSLConf() else: print "File " + self.opensslconf + " does not exist!" sys.exit() # Check for presence of OpenSSL index file if not os.path.exists(indexdb): print "Error: indexfile not found at: " + indexdb + " or insufficient rights." sys.exit() # Check for presence of OpenSSL serial file if not os.path.exists(serialfile): print "Error: serialfile not found at: " + serialfile + " or insufficient rights." sys.exit() # Make sure FPREFIX ends with a dash if not self.fprefix == '': if not self.fprefix[-1] == '-': self.fprefix = str(self.fprefix) + '-' # check if working dir exists, create it if it doesn't if not os.path.exists(self.working): print "Working dir didn't exist, making ..." os.mkdir(self.working) # Make certificates if self.cname: if self.fname is None: print "Error: required option -f/--file is missing." sys.exit() print "Creating " + self.fname + ".key and " + self.fname + ".crt for " + self.cname self.makeCert( self.fname, self.cname ) # check for extra files to be included if self.extrafile: if self.fname is None or self.cname is None: print "Error: required option -f/--file and/or -n/--name is missing." sys.exit() for efile in self.extrafile: if os.path.exists(efile): # copy them to a temp subdir within the working dir to avoid duplicates try: os.mkdir(self.working + '/' + self.fname + '-extrafiles') except: pass print "Adding extra file %s" % efile shutil.copy(efile, self.working + '/' + self.fname + '-extrafiles/') else: # exit if the file wasn't found print "Error: file %s was not found." sys.exit() # Make nice zipfile from all the generated files # :: called only when option '-z' is used :: if self.zip: if self.fname is None or self.cname is None: print "Error: required option -f/--file and/or -n/--name is missing." sys.exit() print "Adding all files to " + self.working + "/" + self.fprefix + self.fname + ".zip" z = zipfile.ZipFile(self.working + "/" + self.fprefix + self.fname + ".zip", "w") for name in glob.glob(self.working + "/" + self.fprefix + self.fname + ".*"): # only add the files that begin with the name specified with the -f option, don't add the zipfile itself (duh) if not name == self.working + "/" + self.fprefix + self.fname + ".zip": if self.debug: print "DEBUG: adding %s to %s" % (name.split('/')[-1],self.fprefix + self.fname + '.zip') z.write(name, os.path.basename(name), zipfile.ZIP_DEFLATED) # and add the CA certificate file z.write(self.cacertfile, os.path.basename(self.cacertfile), zipfile.ZIP_DEFLATED) z.write("/etc/openvpn/keys/ta.key", "ta.key", zipfile.ZIP_DEFLATED) # check if extra files should be included as well if self.extrafile: for efile in self.extrafile: z.write(efile, os.path.basename(efile), zipfile.ZIP_DEFLATED) # we can safely remove all files in the temp dir now since it was only used when not creating a zip file for file in glob.glob(self.working + "/" + self.fname + "-extrafiles/*"): os.remove(file) # finally remove the temp dir itself os.rmdir(self.working + "/" + self.fname + "-extrafiles") z.close() # delete all the files generated, except the ZIP-file for file in glob.glob(self.working + "/" + self.fprefix + self.fname + ".*"): if not file == self.working + "/" + self.fprefix + self.fname + ".zip": os.remove(file) # Find free IP-address by parsing config files (usually in /etc/openvpn/ccd/*) # :: called only when option '-i' is used :: if self.freeip: if self.fname is None: print "Error: required option -f/--file is missing." sys.exit() print "Searching for free IP-address:" # see if vpn server conf file exists if not os.path.exists(self.openvpnconf): print "Error: OpenVPN server configuration file was not found at %s" % self.openvpnconf sys.exit() # parse config file in search for ifconfig-pool for line in fileinput.input(self.openvpnconf): if len(line.split()) > 0 and line.split()[0] == 'ifconfig-pool': pool_from = line.split()[1] pool_to = line.split()[2] print "Pool runs from " + pool_from + " to " + pool_to # from here on we have to do some magic to get a list of # valid IP's in the specified pool # we first check if the first 3 octets in both 'from' and 'to' # are the same. r = re.compile('(\d{1,3})\.(\d{1,3})\.(\d{1,3})\.(\d{1,3})') mFrom = r.match(pool_from) mTo = r.match(pool_to) if self.debug: print "DEBUG: first 3 octets of ip_from are %s.%s.%s" % (mFrom.group(1),mFrom.group(2),mFrom.group(3)) print "DEBUG: first 3 octets of ip_to are %s.%s.%s" % (mTo.group(1),mTo.group(2),mTo.group(3)) from_3octs = str(mFrom.group(1)) + '.' + str(mFrom.group(2)) + '.' + str(mFrom.group(3)) to_3octs = str(mTo.group(1)) + '.' + str(mTo.group(2)) + '.' + str(mTo.group(3)) if from_3octs == to_3octs: # ip's in pool are in a /24 (or higher, thus less addresses) subnet # create a range of valid ip's addresses and put them in a list if self.debug: print "DEBUG: both ip_from and ip_to are in the same subnet\nDEBUG: calculating range the 'easy' way.." range_4oct = range(int(mFrom.group(4)),int(mTo.group(4))) # fill range with ip's rangeIP = [] for octet in range_4oct: rangeIP.append(from_3octs + "." + str(octet)) else: rangeIP = [] # ip's in pool are not in a /24 subnet # we'll have to manually (well, kind of) calculate the range. range_3oct = range(int(mFrom.group(3)),int(mTo.group(3))) # append last octet since range() doesn't do that range_3oct.append(int(mTo.group(3))) if self.debug: print "DEBUG: range_3oct is %s" % range_3oct # the first element in the range is the starting octet and thus # we should look at the 4th octet now to determine the starting point for octet in range(int(mFrom.group(4)),255): # fill rangeIP with valid ip's rangeIP.append(from_3octs + "." + str(octet)) # now remove the first octet from the range if self.debug: print "DEBUG: remove %s from %s" % (mFrom.group(3),range_3oct) range_3oct.remove(int(mFrom.group(3))) if self.debug: print "DEBUG: range_3oct is now %s" % range_3oct # now iterate over the rest, until we get to the last (3rd) octet for octet_3 in range_3oct: if int(octet_3) != int(mTo.group(3)): for octet in range(1,255): rangeIP.append(mFrom.group(1) + '.' + mFrom.group(2) + '.' + str(octet_3) + '.' + str(octet)) else: # this is the last (3rd) octet so only fill the list until the 4th octet of pool_to for octet in range(1,int(mTo.group(4))): rangeIP.append(mFrom.group(1) + '.' + mFrom.group(2) + '.' + str(mTo.group(3)) + '.' + str(octet)) if self.debug: print "DEBUG: rangeIP is %s" % rangeIP # define list of IP-addresses ipList = [] for x in rangeIP: ipList.append(x) # go through the individual config files to find IP-addresses for file in glob.glob(self.ccddir+"/*"): if self.debug: print "DEBUG: parsing file: " + file for line in fileinput.input(file): # search for line that starts with 'ifconfig-push' if line.split()[0] == 'ifconfig-push': # the client IP is the 2nd argument ([2] is 0,1,2nd object on the line) clientip = line.split()[2] # remove IP from range if it exists in the list if clientip in ipList: ipList.remove(clientip) # the server IP is the 1st argument servip = line.split()[1] # remove IP from range if it exists in the list if servip in ipList: ipList.remove(servip) # sort list ipList.sort() # we now have a list of usable IP addresses :) # find 2 free IP-addresses: try: firstFree = ipList[0] except IndexError: print "Error: no free IP address left in pool!" sys.exit() try: secondFree = ipList[1] except IndexError: print "Error: no free IP address left in pool!" sys.exit() print "First free address: %s (local)" % firstFree print "Second free address: %s (peer)" % secondFree # check if ccd dir exists: if not os.path.exists(self.ccddir): print "Client configuration directory didn't exist, making ..." os.mkdir(self.ccddir) # And create the configuration file for these addresses nospaces_cname = self.cname.replace(' ', '_') f=open(self.ccddir + '/' + nospaces_cname, 'w') f.write('ifconfig-push ' + str(secondFree) + ' ' + str(firstFree) + '\n') f.write('push "route ' + self.pushrouter + '"\n') f.close() print "CCD file written to: %s\nPlease review or make additional changes." % (self.ccddir + '/' + nospaces_cname) if self.listall: self.listAllCerts() if self.listallcsv: self.listAllCertsCSV() if self.displaycrl: self.displayCRL() if self.listrevoked: self.listRevokedCerts() if self.serial: self.revokeCert(str(self.serial)) if self.showserial: print "Current SSL serial number (in hex): " + self.readSerial() if self.printindex: print "Current index file (" + indexdb + "):" self.printIndexDB() if self.printcert: self.print_cert ( self.printcert ) if self.emailaddress: if self.fname is None or self.cname is None: print "Error: required option -f/--file and/or -n/--name is missing." sys.exit() mail_attachment = [] mail_to = self.emailaddress # First check if we've generated a ZIP file (include just one attachment) or not (include all generated files) if self.zip: mail_attachment.append(self.working + '/' + self.fprefix + self.fname + '.zip') self.send_mail(self.mail_from, mail_to, 'StoneVPN: generated files for ' + str(self.cname), self.mail_msg, mail_attachment) else: # Generate a list of filenames to include as attachments for name in glob.glob(self.working + "/" + self.fprefix + self.fname + ".*"): mail_attachment.append(name) # Also include the CA certificate mail_attachment.append(self.cacertfile) # And check for extra files to be included if self.extrafile: for efile in self.extrafile: mail_attachment.append(efile) # Finally, send the mail self.send_mail(self.mail_from, mail_to, 'StoneVPN: generated files for ' + str(self.cname), self.mail_msg, mail_attachment) if self.route: if self.cname is None: print "Error: required option -n/--name is missing." sys.exit() IP.check_addr_prefixlen = False nospaces_cname = self.cname.replace(' ', '_') clientfile = self.ccddir + "/" + nospaces_cname # nowwhat : 0=continue normally (append), 1=don't write clientfile, 2=overwrite) # setting to 'append' by default nowwhat=0 if not self.freeip: if os.path.exists(clientfile): overwrite=raw_input("Existing client configuration file was found. Do you want to (o)verwrite, (A)ppend or (s)kip): ") if overwrite in ('o', 'O'): os.remove(clientfile) nowwhat=2 elif overwrite in ('s', 'S'): nowwhat=1 if self.debug: print "DEBUG: adding %s routes" % len(self.route) for newroute in self.route: try: ip=IP(newroute) except ValueError: print "Error: invalid prefix length given." sys.exit() ip.NoPrefixForSingleIp = None ip.WantPrefixLen = 2 if self.debug: print "DEBUG: ip: %s" % ip # check if supplied argument is an IPv4 address if IP(ip).version() != 4: print "Error: only IPv4 addresses are supported." sys.exit() route = str(ip).split('/') if self.debug: if len(route) == 1: print "DEBUG: only IP given, assume /32 netmask" # check if ccd dir exists: if not os.path.exists(self.ccddir): print "Client configuration directory didn't exist, making ..." os.mkdir(self.ccddir) f=open(self.ccddir + '/' + nospaces_cname, 'a') if self.debug: print "DEBUG: route: %s" % route if nowwhat == 1: if self.debug: print "DEBUG: not writing route to client configfile!" # only write routes if we didn't skip overwriting/appending earlier if nowwhat != 1: print "Adding route %s / %s" % (route[0],route[1]) f.write("push \"route " + route[0] + " " + route[1] + "\"\n") f.close() if nowwhat != 1: print "Wrote extra route(s) to " + self.ccddir + "/" + nospaces_cname if self.emptycrl: try: crl = crypto.CRL() except: print "\nError: CRL support is not available in your version of" print "pyOpenSSL. Please check the README file that came with" print "StoneVPN to see what you can do about this. For now, " print "you will have to revoke certificates manually.\n" sys.exit() if os.path.exists(self.crlfile): overwrite=raw_input("Existing crlfile was found. Do you want to overwrite (y/N): ") if overwrite not in ('y', 'Y'): print "Doing nothing.." sys.exit() print "Creating empty CRL file at %s" % self.crlfile cacert = self.load_cert(self.cacertfile) cakey = self.load_key(self.cakeyfile) newCRL = crl.export(cacert, cakey, days=3650) f=open(self.crlfile, 'w') f.write(newCRL) f.close() if self.newca: self.createSelfSignedCertificate(self.newca) if self.test: print "Testing 1, 2, 5 ... three Sir!" sys.exit() # Create key def createKeyPair(self, type, bits): pkey = crypto.PKey() pkey.generate_key(type, bits) return pkey # Create request def createCertRequest(self, pkey, digest='sha256', **name): req = crypto.X509Req() subj = req.get_subject() for (key,value) in name.items(): setattr(subj, key, value) req.set_pubkey(pkey) req.sign(pkey, default_md) return req # decimal 2 hexidecimal and vice versa def dec2hex(self, n): return "%X" % n def hex2dec(self, s): return int(s, 16) def printIndexDB(self): f=open(indexdb, 'r') for line in f: print line f.close() def readSerial(self): f=open(serialfile, 'r') serial = f.readline() f.close() # see if we got more than just a newline. If not, return 0 if not serial.strip(): serial = "0" return serial def writeSerial(self, serial): f=open(serialfile, 'w') f.write(serial) f.close() def writeIndex(self, index): f=open(indexdb, 'a') f.write(index) f.close() # Create certificate def createCertificate(self, req, (issuerCert, issuerKey), serial, (notBefore, notAfter), digest='sha256'): extensions = [] # Create the X509 Extensions extensions.append(crypto.X509Extension('basicConstraints',1, 'CA:FALSE')) try: extensions.append(crypto.X509Extension('nsComment',0, 'Created with stonevpn ' + str(self.stonevpnver))) except ValueError: print "\n==================================================================" print "Warning: your version of pyOpenSSL doesn't support X509Extensions." print "Please consult the README file that came with StoneVPN in order to" print "fix this. This is not trivial. The certificate will be generated." print "==================================================================\n" # We're creating a X509 certificate version 2 cert = crypto.X509() cert.set_version ( 2 ) # Add the Extension to the certificate cert.add_extensions(extensions) # Create a valid hexidecimal serial number goodserial = atoi(str(serial), 16) cert.set_serial_number(goodserial) if self.debug: print "DEBUG: notBefore is %s, notAfter is %s" % (notBefore,notAfter) #cert.gmtime_adj_notBefore(notBefore) #cert.gmtime_adj_notAfter(notAfter) now = datetime.utcnow().strftime("%Y%m%d%H%M%SZ") if self.debug: print "DEBUG: days is %s" % timedelta(seconds=notAfter) expire = (datetime.utcnow() + timedelta(seconds=notAfter)).strftime("%Y%m%d%H%M%SZ") cert.set_notBefore(now) cert.set_notAfter(expire) cert.set_issuer(issuerCert.get_subject()) cert.set_subject(req.get_subject()) cert.set_pubkey(req.get_pubkey()) cert.sign(issuerKey, digest) return cert # Passphrase def getPass(self): passA = getpass.getpass('Enter passphrase for private key: ') passB = getpass.getpass('Enter passphrase for private key (again): ') if passA == passB: return passB else: print "Error: passwords don't match!" return "password_error" # Simple routines to load/save files using crypto lib # Save private key to file def save_key (self, fn, key): global keyPass # Adding passphrase to private key # do we need a random passphrase? if self.randpass: if self.debug: print "DEBUG: generating a random passphrase of %s characters" % self.randpass keyPass = "" for i in range(int(self.randpass)): keyPass += random.choice('ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789') fp = open ( fn, 'w' ) fp.write ( crypto.dump_privatekey ( self.FILETYPE, key, self.ciphermethod, keyPass ) ) print "Private key encrypted with RANDOM passphrase: '%s'" % keyPass elif self.passphrase: if self.passphrase == 'please_prompt_me': keyPass = self.getPass() if keyPass is "password_error": # Don't write keyfile if supplied passwords mismatch sys.exit() else: fp = open ( fn, 'w' ) fp.write ( crypto.dump_privatekey ( self.FILETYPE, key, self.ciphermethod, keyPass ) ) if self.debug: print "DEBUG: private key encrypted with passphrase: '%s'" % keyPass else: fp = open ( fn, 'w' ) fp.write ( crypto.dump_privatekey ( self.FILETYPE, key, self.ciphermethod, self.passphrase ) ) if self.debug: print "DEBUG: private key encrypted with passphrase: '%s'" % self.passphrase else: fp = open ( fn, 'w' ) fp.write ( crypto.dump_privatekey ( self.FILETYPE, key ) ) fp.close () # Save certificate to file def save_cert (self, fn, cert): fp = open ( fn, 'w' ) fp.write ( crypto.dump_certificate ( self.FILETYPE, cert ) ) fp.close () # Load private key from file def load_key (self, fn): fp = open ( fn, 'r' ) ret = crypto.load_privatekey ( self.FILETYPE, fp.read() ) fp.close () return ret # Load certificate from file def load_cert (self, fn): fp = open ( fn, 'r' ) ret = crypto.load_certificate ( self.FILETYPE, fp.read() ) fp.close () return ret # Print information retreived from a certificate file def print_cert (self, cert): try: certfile = self.load_cert( cert ) except: print "Error opening certificate file" sys.exit() # Some objects are 'X509Name objects' so we have to fiddle a bit to output to a human-readable format certIssuerArray = str(certfile.get_issuer()).replace('','').split('/') certIssuer = certIssuerArray[1] + ', ' + certIssuerArray[2] + ', ' + certIssuerArray[3] + ', ' + certIssuerArray[4] print "Issuer:\t\t" + str(certIssuer) certSubjectArray = str(certfile.get_subject()).replace('','').split('/') certSubject = certSubjectArray[1] + ', ' + certSubjectArray[2] + ', ' + certSubjectArray[3] + ', ' + certSubjectArray[4] print "Subject:\t" + str(certSubject) print "Version:\t" + str(certfile.get_version()) print "Serial number:\t" + str(certfile.get_serial_number()) validFromYear = str(certfile.get_notBefore())[:4] validFromMonth = str(certfile.get_notBefore())[4:6] validFromDay = str(certfile.get_notBefore())[6:8] validFromTime = str(certfile.get_notBefore())[8:10] + ':' + str(certfile.get_notBefore())[10:12] + ':' + str(certfile.get_notBefore())[12:14] print "Valid from:\t" + validFromYear + '-' + validFromMonth + '-' + validFromDay + ' ' + validFromTime validUntilYear = str(certfile.get_notAfter())[:4] validUntilMonth = str(certfile.get_notAfter())[4:6] validUntilDay = str(certfile.get_notAfter())[6:8] validUntilTime = str(certfile.get_notAfter())[8:10] + ':' + str(certfile.get_notAfter())[10:12] + ':' + str(certfile.get_notAfter())[12:14] print "Valid until:\t" + validUntilYear + '-' + validUntilMonth + '-' + validUntilDay + ' ' + validUntilTime if str(certfile.has_expired()) == '1': print "Expired:\tyes" else: print "Expired:\tno" def createSelfSignedCertificate(self, years): # check if a CA certificate already exists if os.path.exists(self.cacertfile): print "Error: the CA certificate already exists at %s" % self.cacertfile sys.exit() # check if a CA key already exists if os.path.exists(self.cakeyfile): # file already exists print "Warning: the CA keyfile already exists at %s, so we'll use it" % self.cakeyfile k = self.load_key(self.cakeyfile) else: # create a key pair k = crypto.PKey() k.generate_key(crypto.TYPE_RSA, int(default_bits)) valid_until = (date.today() + timedelta(int(years)*365)).isoformat() print "Generating a self-signed CA certificate." print "The certificate is valid until %s." % valid_until # create a self-signed cert cert = crypto.X509() # get some values from the openssl.cnf file cert.get_subject().C = countryName cert.get_subject().ST = stateOrProvinceName cert.get_subject().L = localityName cert.get_subject().O = organizationName cert.get_subject().OU = organizationalUnitName cert.get_subject().CN = gethostname() extensions = [] extensions.append(crypto.X509Extension('basicConstraints',0, 'CA:TRUE')) cert.add_extensions(extensions) serial = self.hex2dec( self.readSerial() ) cert.set_serial_number(serial) cert.gmtime_adj_notBefore(0) cert.gmtime_adj_notAfter(int(years)*365*24*60*60) cert.set_issuer(cert.get_subject()) cert.set_pubkey(k) cert.sign(k, default_md) # write key and cert file print "Writing CA private key to %s" % self.cakeyfile self.save_key (self.cakeyfile, k) print "Writing CA certificate to %s" % self.cacertfile self.save_cert (self.cacertfile, cert) # Generate keyfile and certificate def makeCert(self, fname, cname): # remove possible leftover files to prevent the zipfile from packing these for f in glob.glob(self.working + '/' + self.fprefix + fname + '.*'): if self.debug: print "DEBUG: removing old file %s" % f os.remove(f) pkey = self.createKeyPair(self.TYPE_RSA, int(default_bits)) req = self.createCertRequest(pkey, CN=cname, C=countryName, ST=stateOrProvinceName, O=organizationName, OU=organizationalUnitName) try: cacert = self.load_cert( self.cacertfile ) except: print "Error opening CA cert file" sys.exit() try: cakey = self.load_key(self.cakeyfile) except: print "Error opening CA key file" sys.exit() # check if the 'next serial number' in serialfile is the same as the serial number of the # last entry in the indexdb. If it is, increase the next serial by one (hex) and write a # new serialfile last = None for line in open(indexdb): last=line if last: last_serial = last.split("\t")[3].strip() else: last_serial = 0 if self.debug: print "Last serial in indexdb: '%s'" % last_serial f=open(serialfile, 'r') serial = f.readline().strip() f.close() if self.debug: print "Next serial in serialfile: '%s'" % serial if serial == last_serial: print "Whoops! Last serial number in indexdb is the same as the next" print "one in serialfile: %s. This is probably caused by an older version" % serial print "of StoneVPN. We'll need to correct this (once) by increasing" newSerialDec = self.hex2dec(serial) + 1 newSerial = self.dec2hex(newSerialDec) print "the value for next serial number to %s" % newSerial if len(newSerial) == 1: newSerial = '0' + str(newSerial) if self.debug: print "Now increasing %s by 1 to %s" % (serial,newSerial) f=open(serialfile, 'w') f.write(newSerial) f.close() # read next serial number from serialfile curSerial = self.readSerial() # format current time as UTC, for certificate timeNow = datetime.utcnow() # format current time as local, for indexdb timeNowIdx = datetime.now() # We can't work with hex numbers. Convert them to dec first and increase its value by 1 newSerial = self.hex2dec(curSerial) + 1 newSerialDec = newSerial # Now convert dec back to hex newSerial = self.dec2hex(newSerial) # Check if a different expiration date for certificate if self.expiredate: # Check for valid arguments: (h)ours, (d)ays, (y)ears. # For example: 2h or 6d or 2y. A combination is not (yet?) possible. expList = list(self.expiredate) try: unit = list(self.expiredate)[-1] if self.debug: print "DEBUG: time unit is %s" % unit except: print "Incorrect or missing time unit. Use h(ours), d(ays) or y(ears)." sys.exit() countRest = len(expList) - 1 exp_time = ''.join(expList[0:countRest]) if self.debug: print "DEBUG: exp_time is %s" % exp_time if unit not in ('h', 'H', 'd', 'D', 'y', 'Y'): print "Invalid time unit provided. Use h(ours), d(ays) or y(ears)." sys.exit() elif unit in ('h', 'H'): cert = self.createCertificate(req, (cacert, cakey), curSerial, (0, 60 * 60 * int(exp_time))) expDate = timeNow + timedelta(hours=int(exp_time)) expDateIdx = timeNowIdx + timedelta(hours=int(exp_time)) print "Certificate is valid for %s hour(s)." % exp_time elif unit in ('d', 'D'): cert = self.createCertificate(req, (cacert, cakey), curSerial, (0, 24 * 60 * 60 * int(exp_time))) expDate = timeNow + timedelta(days=int(exp_time)) expDateIdx = timeNowIdx + timedelta(days=int(exp_time)) print "Certificate is valid for %s day(s)." % exp_time elif unit in ('y', 'Y'): cert = self.createCertificate(req, (cacert, cakey), curSerial, (0, 24 * 60 * 60 * 365 * int(exp_time))) expDate = timeNow + timedelta(days=int(exp_time) * 365) expDateIdx = timeNowIdx + timedelta(days=int(exp_time) * 365) print "Certificate is valid for %s year(s)." % exp_time else: cert = self.createCertificate(req, (cacert, cakey), curSerial, (0, 24 * 60 * 60 * int(defaultDays))) expDate = timeNow + timedelta(days=int(defaultDays)) expDateIdx = timeNowIdx + timedelta(days=int(defaultDays)) print "Certificate is valid for %s day(s)." % defaultDays self.save_key ( self.working + '/' + self.fprefix + fname + '.key', pkey ) self.save_cert ( self.working + '/' + self.fprefix + fname + '.crt', cert ) # OpenSSL only accepts serials of 2 digits, so check for the length and prepend a 0 if necessary if len(str(newSerial)) == 1: serialIdx = '0' + str(newSerial) else: serialIdx = newSerial # Write serial (hex) to serial file self.writeSerial(serialIdx) # copy CA certificate to working dir shutil.copy(self.cacertfile, self.working) # create the configuration files (default 'unix' unless specified with option -c) self.makeConfs(self.confs, fname) # write index to file if self.debug: print "DEBUG: timeNow is %s" % timeNow if self.debug: print "DEBUG: expDate is %s" % expDate # OpenSSL only accepts serials of 2 digits, so check for the length and prepend a 0 if necessary if len(str(curSerial)) == 1: serialNumber = '0' + str(curSerial) else: serialNumber = curSerial # convert cname: spaces to underscores for inclusion in indexdb nospaces_cname = cname.replace(' ', '_') # the expire date for the index file needs some conversion indexDate = expDateIdx.strftime("%y%m%d%H%M%S") if self.debug: print "DEBUG: indexDate is %s" % indexDate # Format index line and write to OpenSSL index file index = 'V\t' + str(indexDate) + 'Z\t\t' + str(serialNumber.strip()) + '\tunknown\t' + '/C=' + str(countryName) + '/ST=' + str(stateOrProvinceName) + '/O=' + str(organizationName) + '/OU=' + str(organizationalUnitName) + '/CN=' + str(nospaces_cname) + '/emailAddress=' + str(fname) + '@local\n' self.writeIndex(index) # Make config files for OpenVPN def makeConfs(self, sname, fname): config = ConfigObj(self.stonevpnconf) # Generate appropriate (according to specified OS) configuration for OpenVPN if sname == 'unix' or sname == 'linux': sectionname = 'unix conf' print "Generating UNIX configuration file" f=open(self.working + '/' + self.fprefix + fname + '.conf', 'w') elif sname == 'windows': sectionname = 'windows conf' print "Generating Windows configuration file" f=open(self.working + '/' + self.fprefix + fname + '.ovpn', 'w') elif sname == 'mac': sectionname = 'mac conf' print "Generating Mac configuration file" f=open(self.working + '/' + self.fprefix + fname + '.conf', 'w') elif sname == 'android': sectionname = 'android conf' print "Generating Android configuration file" f=open(self.working + '/' + self.fprefix + fname + '.ovpn', 'w') elif sname == 'all': print "Generating all configuration files" else: print "Incorrect OS type specified. Valid options are 'unix', 'windows', 'mac', 'android' or 'all'." sys.exit() if sname != 'all': section=config[sectionname] # Go over each entry (variable) and write it to the OpenVPN configuration file for var in section: # Fill in correct path to generated cert/key/cacert files if var == 'ca': cacertfilenopath = self.cacertfile.split('/')[int(len(self.cacertfile.split('/')) - 1)] f.write(section[var].replace('cacertfile', cacertfilenopath) + '\n') elif var == 'cert': f.write(section[var].replace('clientcertfile', self.fprefix + fname + '.crt') + '\n') elif var == 'key': f.write(section[var].replace('clientkeyfile', self.fprefix + fname + '.key') + '\n') elif var == 'ip': if self.server_ip: f.write("remote " + str(self.server_ip) + "\n") else: f.write(section[var] + '\n') else: f.write(section[var] + '\n') if sname == 'android': fp = open ( self.cacertfile, 'r' ) f.write('\n' + "" + '\n' + fp.read() + "" + '\n') fp.close () fp = open ( self.working + '/' + self.fprefix + fname + '.crt', 'r' ) f.write('\n' + "" + '\n' + fp.read() + "" + '\n') fp.close () fp = open ( self.working + '/' + self.fprefix + fname + '.key', 'r' ) f.write('\n' + "" + '\n' + fp.read() + "" + '\n') fp.close () f.close() else: os_versions = ["windows", "linux", "mac", "android"] for os_type in os_versions: # soort extensie ipv deze regel << if os_type == 'linux': sectionname = 'unix conf' print "Generating Linux configuration file" f=open(self.working + '/' + self.fprefix + fname + '.linux.conf', 'w') elif os_type == 'windows': sectionname = 'windows conf' print "Generating Windows configuration file" f=open(self.working + '/' + self.fprefix + fname + '.windows.ovpn', 'w') elif os_type == 'mac': sectionname = 'mac conf' print "Generating Mac configuration file" f=open(self.working + '/' + self.fprefix + fname + '.mac.conf', 'w') elif os_type == 'android': sectionname = 'android conf' print "Generating Android configuration file" f=open(self.working + '/' + self.fprefix + fname + '.android.ovpn', 'w') section=config[sectionname] for var in section: if var == 'ca': cacertfilenopath = self.cacertfile.split('/')[int(len(self.cacertfile.split('/')) - 1)] f.write(section[var].replace('cacertfile', cacertfilenopath) + '\n') elif var == 'cert': f.write(section[var].replace('clientcertfile', self.fprefix + fname + '.crt') + '\n') elif var == 'key': f.write(section[var].replace('clientkeyfile', self.fprefix + fname + '.key') + '\n') else: f.write(section[var] + '\n') if os_type == 'android': fp = open ( self.cacertfile, 'r' ) f.write('\n' + "" + '\n' + fp.read() + "" + '\n') fp.close () fp = open ( self.working + '/' + self.fprefix + fname + '.crt', 'r' ) f.write('\n' + "" + '\n' + fp.read() + "" + '\n') fp.close () fp = open ( self.working + '/' + self.fprefix + fname + '.key', 'r' ) f.write('\n' + "" + '\n' + fp.read() + "" + '\n') fp.close () f.close() # Revoke certificate def revokeCert(self, serial): if not os.path.exists(self.crlfile): print "Error: CRL file not found at: " + self.crlfile + " or insufficient rights." sys.exit() try: crl = crypto.CRL() except: print "\nError: CRL support is not available in your version of" print "pyOpenSSL. Please check the README file that came with" print "StoneVPN to see what you can do about this. For now, " print "you will have to revoke certificates manually.\n" sys.exit() # we can't replace stuff in the original index file, so we have to create # a new one and in the end rename the original one and move the temp file # to the final location (usually /etc/ssl/index.txt) t=open(self.working + '/index.tmp', 'w') # read SSL dbase from the index file # this file has 5 columns: Status, Expiry date, Revocation date, Serial nr, file?, Distinguished Name (DN) print "Reading SSL database: " + indexdb input = open(indexdb, 'r') f=open(self.working + '/revoked.crl', 'w') crlTime = str(strftime("%y%m%d%H%M%S")) + 'Z' for line in input: # first check if the line contains a revoked cert: if line.split()[0] == 'R': # then check if the revoked cert has the same serial nr as the one we're trying to revoke # if so, exit immediately since we can't revoke twice (duh) if line.split()[3] == serial.upper(): print "Certificate with serial %s already revoked!" % serial.upper() os.remove(self.working + '/index.tmp') os.remove(self.working + '/revoked.crl') sys.exit() else: revSerial = str(line.split()[3]) revDate = str(line.split()[2]) revoked = crypto.Revoked() revoked.set_rev_date('20' + str(revDate)) revoked.set_serial(revSerial) #no reason needed? #revoked.set_reason('revoked') crl.add_revoked(revoked) # /new way print "Re-adding existing revoked certificate to CRL with date " + revDate + " and serial " + revSerial t.write(line) else: # the line contains a valid certificate. Check if the serial is the same as the # one we're trying to revoke if line.split()[2] == serial.upper(): # we have a match! do not write this line again to the new index file # instead, change it to the revoked-format if self.debug: print "DEBUG: found match for %s in index file" % serial.upper() newDN = '/'.join(line.split('/')[1:]) revokedLine = 'R\t' + str(line.split()[1]) + '\t' + crlTime + '\t' + serial.upper() + '\tunknown\t' + str(newDN) t.write(revokedLine) else: # this is not the match we're looking for, so just write the line again # to the index file t.write(line) # crlTime = str(strftime("%y%m%d%H%M%S")) + 'Z' print "Adding new revoked certificate to CRL with date " + crlTime + " and serial " + serial.upper() t.close() revoked = crypto.Revoked() now = datetime.utcnow().strftime("%Y%m%d%H%M%SZ") revoked.set_rev_date(now) revoked.set_serial(serial) #no reason needed? #revoked.set_reason('sUpErSeDEd') crl.add_revoked(revoked) cacert = self.load_cert(self.cacertfile) cakey = self.load_key(self.cakeyfile) newCRL = crl.export(cacert, cakey, days=3650) f.write(newCRL) f.close() shutil.move(indexdb,indexdb + '.old') shutil.move(self.working + '/index.tmp',indexdb) shutil.move(self.crlfile,self.crlfile + '.old') shutil.move(self.working + '/revoked.crl',self.crlfile) print "New CRL written to: %s. Backup created as: %s." % (self.crlfile,self.crlfile + '.old') print "New index written to: %s. Backup created as: %s." % (indexdb,indexdb + '.old') def displayCRL(self): if not os.path.exists(self.crlfile): print "Error: CRL file not found at %s" % self.crlfile print "You can create one with: stonevpn --newcrl" sys.exit() text = open(self.crlfile, 'r').read() print "Parsing CRL file %s" % self.crlfile try: crl = crypto.load_crl(crypto.FILETYPE_PEM, text) revs = crl.get_revoked() except: print "\nError: CRL support is not available in your version of" print "pyOpenSSL. Please check the README file that came with" print "StoneVPN to see what you can do about this. For now, " print "you will have to display the CRL file manually using:\n" print "$ openssl crl -in %s -noout -text\n" % self.crlfile sys.exit() if not revs is None: print "Total certificates revoked: %s\n" % len(revs) print "Serial\tRevoked at date" print "======\t========================" for revoked in revs: revSerial = revoked.get_serial() revDate = revoked.get_rev_date()[0:-1] revoDate = time.strptime(revDate, "%Y%m%d%H%M%S") print str(revSerial) + "\t" + time.strftime("%c", revoDate) else: print "No revoked certificates found." def listRevokedCerts(self): # read SSL dbase (usually index.txt) # this file has 5 columns: Status, Expiry date, Revocation date, Serial nr, unknown, Distinguished Name (DN) print "Reading SSL database: " + indexdb input = open(indexdb, 'r') revCerts = [] print "Finding revoked certificates..." for line in input: if line.split()[0] == 'R': revCerts.append(line) count = 0 while count < len(revCerts): #print "Revoked certificate:\t" + str(revCerts[count].split()[5].split('/CN=')[1]) print "Issued to:\t\t%s" % str(revCerts[count]).split('CN=')[1].split('/')[0] print "Status:\t\t\tRevoked" expDate = str(revCerts[count].split()[1]) print "Expiry date:\t\t20%s-%s-%s %s:%s:%s" % (expDate[:2],expDate[2:4],expDate[4:6],expDate[6:8],expDate[8:10],expDate[10:12]) revDate = str(revCerts[count].split()[2]) print "Revocation date:\t20%s-%s-%s %s:%s:%s" % (revDate[:2],revDate[2:4],revDate[4:6],revDate[6:8],revDate[8:10],revDate[10:12]) print "Serial:\t\t\t%s" % str(revCerts[count].split()[3]) lineDN = line.split('unknown')[1].strip() newDN = ''.join(lineDN).replace('/',',') print "DN:\t\t\t%s" % newDN print "\n" count = count + 1 def indent(self, rows, hasHeader=False, headerChar='-', delim=' | ', justify='left', separateRows=False, prefix='', postfix='', wrapfunc=lambda x:x): # closure for breaking logical rows to physical, using wrapfunc def rowWrapper(row): newRows = [wrapfunc(item).split('\n') for item in row] return [[substr or '' for substr in item] for item in map(None,*newRows)] # break each logical row into one or more physical ones logicalRows = [rowWrapper(row) for row in rows] # columns of physical rows columns = map(None,*reduce(operator.add,logicalRows)) # get the maximum of each column by the string length of its items maxWidths = [max([len(str(item)) for item in column]) for column in columns] rowSeparator = headerChar * (len(prefix) + len(postfix) + sum(maxWidths) + \ len(delim)*(len(maxWidths)-1)) # select the appropriate justify method justify = {'center':str.center, 'right':str.rjust, 'left':str.ljust}[justify.lower()] output=cStringIO.StringIO() if separateRows: print >> output, rowSeparator for physicalRows in logicalRows: for row in physicalRows: print >> output, \ prefix \ + delim.join([justify(str(item),width) for (item,width) in zip(row,maxWidths)]) \ + postfix if separateRows or hasHeader: print >> output, rowSeparator; hasHeader=False return output.getvalue() def listAllCerts(self): # list all certificates in indexdb, output as pretty table input = open(indexdb, 'r') data = '' for line in input: if line.split()[0] == 'R': issuee = line.split('/')[-2:][0].replace('CN=','').replace('_',' ').replace(',','_') data = str(data) + str(line.split()[3]) + ',' + str(issuee) data = str(data) + ',' + "Revoked" revDate = str(line.split()[2]).replace('Z','') data = str(data) + ',' + '20' + revDate[:2] + '-' + revDate[2:4] + '-' + revDate[4:6] + ' ' + revDate[6:8] + ':' + revDate[8:10] + ':' + revDate[10:12] + '\n' else: issuee = line.split('/')[-2:-1][0].split('\t')[0].replace('CN=','').replace('_',' ').replace(',','_') data = str(data) + str(line.split()[2]) + ',' + str(issuee) expDate = str(line.split()[1]).replace('Z','') ed_long = "20" + str(expDate) expiredate = int(time.mktime(time.strptime(str(datetime(int(ed_long[:4]),int(ed_long[4:6]),int(ed_long[6:8]),int(ed_long[8:10]),int(ed_long[10:12]),int(ed_long[12:14]))),"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"))) timenow = int(time.mktime(time.localtime())) if int(timenow) < int(expiredate): data = str(data) + ',Valid' else: data = str(data) + ',Expired' data = str(data) + ',' + '20' + expDate[:2] + '-' + expDate[2:4] + '-' + expDate[4:6] + ' ' + expDate[6:8] + ':' + expDate[8:10] + ':' + expDate[10:12] + '\n' rows = [] rows.append(('Serial','Name','Status','Expiry date')) for row in data.splitlines(): rows.append(row.strip().split(',')) width = 60 print self.indent(rows,hasHeader=True) def listAllCertsCSV(self): # same routine as listAllCerts() except print as # comma seperated values and without the DN. input = open(indexdb, 'r') for line in input: if line.split()[0] == 'R': issuee = line.split('/')[-2:][0].replace('CN=','').replace('_',' ').replace(',','_') sys.stdout.write(str(issuee) + ",") sys.stdout.write("Revoked,") revDate = str(line.split()[2]).replace('Z','') sys.stdout.write("20%s-%s-%s %s:%s:%s," % (revDate[:2],revDate[2:4],revDate[4:6],revDate[6:8],revDate[8:10],revDate[10:12])) sys.stdout.write(str(line.split()[3]) + ",") else: issuee = line.split('/')[-2:-1][0].split('\t')[0].replace('CN=','').replace('_',' ').replace(',','_') sys.stdout.write(str(issuee) + ",") expDate = str(line.split()[1]).replace('Z','') ed_long = "20" + str(expDate) expiredate = int(time.mktime(time.strptime(str(datetime(int(ed_long[:4]),int(ed_long[4:6]),int(ed_long[6:8]),int(ed_long[8:10]),int(ed_long[10:12]),int(ed_long[12:14]))),"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"))) timenow = int(time.mktime(time.localtime())) if int(timenow) < int(expiredate): sys.stdout.write("Valid,") else: sys.stdout.write("Expired,") sys.stdout.write("20%s-%s-%s %s:%s:%s," % (expDate[:2],expDate[2:4],expDate[4:6],expDate[6:8],expDate[8:10],expDate[10:12])) sys.stdout.write(str(line.split()[2]) + ",") def send_mail(self, send_from, send_to, subject, text, attachment=[]): print "Generating e-mail" msg = MIMEMultipart() msg['From'] = send_from msg['To'] = send_to msg['CC'] = self.mail_cc msg['Date'] = formatdate(localtime=True) msg['Subject'] = subject text = text.replace('EMAILRECIPIENT', self.cname) # Append a helpful text when a password was given, but only when specified on the commandline if self.mailpass: if self.passphrase is None and self.randpass is None: print "Error: you need to specify either a passphrase or generate a random one." sys.exit() if keyPass: if self.debug: print "DEBUG: including password help text in email body" text = text.replace('PASSPHRASETXT', self.mail_passtxt) # And replace the password placeholder with the actual passphrase text = text.replace('OPENSSLPASS', keyPass) else: text = text.replace('PASSPHRASETXT', '') msg.attach( MIMEText(text, 'html') ) # Attachment(s) if type(attachment) == 'string': part = MIMEBase('application', "octet-stream") part.set_payload( open(attachment,"rb").read() ) Encoders.encode_base64(part) part.add_header('Content-Disposition', 'attachment; filename="%s"' % os.path.basename(attachment)) msg.attach(part) else: for f in attachment: print "Attaching file %s" % f part = MIMEBase('application', "octet-stream") part.set_payload( open(f,"rb").read() ) Encoders.encode_base64(part) part.add_header('Content-Disposition', 'attachment; filename="%s"' % os.path.basename(f)) msg.attach(part) # Now to send the entire message print 'Sending e-mail with attachment(s) to %s' % self.emailaddress smtp = smtplib.SMTP(self.mail_server) smtp.sendmail(send_from, send_to, msg.as_string()) smtp.close()