application.conf 3.3 KB

  1. # This is the main configuration file for the application.
  2. # ~~~~~
  3. # Secret key
  4. # ~~~~~
  5. # The secret key is used to secure cryptographics functions.
  6. # If you deploy your application to several instances be sure to use the same key!
  7. application.secret = "x09HY<acN5Wph?e]@:rXeF>qDg=fC;d5rRbYqeG/rLUyyEZCh/d_L73>IVxT@?Mb"
  8. # The application languages
  9. # ~~~~~
  10. application.langs = "ru,en"
  11. # Proxy and `X-Forwarded-For` header
  12. # ~~~~~
  13. #trustxforwarded=true
  14. # Akka
  15. # ~~~~~
  16. internal {
  17. akka {
  18. loglevel = "DEBUG"
  19. loggers = ["akka.event.slf4j.Slf4jLogger"]
  20. debug.receive = on
  21. actor {
  22. provider = "akka.remote.RemoteActorRefProvider" # ignored if internal.communication = 'socket'
  23. }
  24. remote { # ignored if internal.communication = 'socket'
  25. enabled-transports = ["akka.remote.netty.tcp"]
  26. shutdown-timeout = 2 s
  27. watch-failure-detector.heartbeat-interval = 20 s
  28. netty.tcp {
  29. port = 2551
  30. hostname =
  31. send-buffer-size = 10 MiB
  32. receive-buffer-size = 10 MiB
  33. maximum-frame-size = 10 MiB
  34. }
  35. }
  36. }
  37. # communication settings
  38. communication {
  39. type = "socket" # `socket` or `remote`(default)
  40. # Leader
  41. admin.hostname = ${ADMIN_HOST}
  42. admin.port = 2551
  43. # Node
  44. local.hostname =
  45. local.port = 2552
  46. }
  47. }
  48. # Application defined parameters
  49. # ~~~~~
  50. = false
  51. # Database configuration
  52. # ~~~~~
  53. # DB plugin is disabled by default. It will be configured on the application startup.
  54. # Don't change it.
  55. dbplugin = disabled
  56. # MongoDB
  57. # one host or list of hosts in replica sets
  58. # ~~~~~~~
  59. mongodb {
  60. host = ${DB_CLUSTER}
  61. # Database name
  62. # You can optional set db name, otherwise used `portaldb`
  63. main.db = "prod"
  64. billing.db = "billing"
  65. keepAlive = 100
  66. connectTimeoutMS = 30000
  67. }
  68. # SDS Specific parameters
  69. # ~~~~~
  70. sds.api {
  71. # Use short living cache for procedure calls.
  72. cache.use = ${CACHE_USE}
  73. # Set time to live for a procedure call cache in seconds. Defualt is 10 sec.
  74. cache.timeout = 5 # seconds
  75. # The list of included cacheable procedures.
  76. # If commented or empty, all calls will be cached except ones listened in the `cache.excluded` section
  77. # cache.include = [GET_DEPARTMENT_LIST]
  78. # The list of cacheable procedures to be excluded
  79. # cache.exclude = [GET_FILIAL_LIST]
  80. }
  81. # WS configuration currently used in SDS communication
  82. # ~~~~~
  83. ws.timeout {
  84. connection = 20000
  85. request = 20000
  86. report = 60000
  87. }
  88. ws.acceptAnyCertificate = true
  89. # MMT Api settings
  90. # ~~~~~
  91. mmt {
  92. # in seconds
  93. timeout = 25
  94. }
  95. # Play static assets
  96. # ~~~~~
  97. assets.defaultCache = "max-age=604800" # 1 week
  98. # Customer Assets
  99. # ~~~~~
  100. customer.assets {
  101. defaultCache = 3600 # 1 hour
  102. # Loading asstes from <>.
  103. # You can use either `local` or db` . In production environment we usally use `db` mode
  104. loading.mode = "db"
  105. }
  106. # ESIA
  107. # ~~~~~
  108. # Test SSO url:
  109. esia.sso.url = ""
  110. # Test SLO url:
  111. esia.slo.url = ""
  112. # Use or not global saml2 logout.
  113. esia.slo.use = true
  114. # ~~~~
  115. # OAUTH2
  116. esia.oauth2.globalLogout.use = false
  117. esia.oauth2.isProd = true
  118. # Yandex.Kassa
  119. # ~~~~~
  120. yandex.kassa.processingUrl = ""
  121. telemedicine {
  122. secret = "a-5u=I|4a@Ie]XZxi+I'=yOi^fiX1mF_<tELx23V&]P[{X'pZa.@9;&-s/YdRR9"
  123. }